Appetite For Distraction

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Sunday, December 30, 2007


We only had two nights in Las Vegas and that’s plenty of time to see the absurd sights and bright lights. I once stayed for about 10 days, so Vegas is now well and truly crossed off my list!


So the first night we thought we’d hit the town and hit the turps in a big way for ladies night! I was easily coaxed into tarting up like a straight slapper, busting a dress and heels – a rare occurrence. We had a completely crazy night, dancing at ridiculous clubs with the “Eiffel Tower” in the background.

The Pussycat Dolls Casino

And introducing... The Pussycat Moles!

I’m rather fond of all the Las Vegas proverbs.. like what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas... or never happened at all. And hence much of the hijinks of this chapter, more heavily related to alcohol consumption than food, shall remain undisclosed, under tightlipped lock and key.

3555 Las Vegas Boulevard, Las Vegas
The morning after the night before.... argh.... and what better way to confront the day but with Room Service. Hell, we’re in Vegas, where room service is totally the done thing, so when in Rome...!

Eggs Benedict.

I was rather ill soon after breakfast, but I’m sure it was more the fault of a monstrous hangover than the fault of my eggs. Nothing a few 2-for-1 frozen cocktails by the pool wouldn’t fix! Back on the horse, back on the sauce.

3475 Las Vegas Boulevard, Las Vegas
Another Las Vegas institution - the Buffet! They had all sorts of stuff... But when it came down to it, it was a whole load of stuff, and none of it exceptionally good... I’d really prefer little choice, small portions and deliciousness. We rolled out feeling full to the brim, cursing Vegas excess yet again.

125 W Tehachapi Boulevard, Tehachapi, CA
We stopped in a gorgeous little town called Tehachapi on the way out of Vegas en route to San Francisco. It had the quaintest little art deco motels that advertised “colour television!” on their signs like it had just been invented.

We hit up the local bakery and I got stuck into a nice roll and an awesome “gourmet soda” with a draught style head.

The locals were really friendly, and we got talking to the sweet lady from the dry cleaning shop. Upon asking how to pronounce the name of the town, she recounted a joke that she uses to remember...

Q: Why did the chicken sit on the pod?
A: Tehachapi! (To hatch a pea)


Can I finish by extending a thank you to our GPS, affectionately known as “Jill”, for helping us to get from LA to Vegas to San Francisco. We couldn’t have done it without you Jill, sweetheart...
I know there were those times you stopped talking to us… when we misunderstood you and kept exiting the highways we were meant to stay on... We are sorry about the night we disobeyed your directions and nearly crashed you into a homeless person pushing a shopping cart in the dodgy backstreets of Downtown LA...
But you always came through when we needed you most. And we all miss you terribly. Please email, stay in touch, and when you retire, you simply must visit Australia like we talked about - I’ll wear you on my wrist, honey.

We heart Jill, forevs.


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