Appetite For Distraction

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Thursday, August 09, 2007


I'm about to embark on a six week trip to America (including Honolulu, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Portland, Olympia, Seattle, New York and New Orleans).

So... Appetite For Distraction will be on hiatus for a short while, after which you can expect my reports on American Delicacies. Oh WAIT - is that an oxymoron?! Hahahar.. Only joking Yankees... (sort of). But yes, I'm headed to the Fast Food Nation, the Capital of Cheese - orange cheese, that is... Foul!

I'm sure there'll be plenty of diamonds in the rough to write home about however. They're good at faux meats over there. And i can't wait for REAL Mexican food. Looking forward to lots of Dr. Pepper's. Reeces Pieces. And dare i say... Parliament Cigarettes! Tasty in their own right, but i can't go talking cancer sticks in a food blog, can i?

I wouldn't want this to be too text-heavy, so I'll leave you with a recently devoured treat.

My Mum returned from overseas a few weeks ago, and believe you me, i haven't lifted a finger in the kitchen since. Spoilt!
Anyway, one evening she came home with half a dozen Snails for me! From the previously noted French Charcuterie. Classic Burgundy-style with garlic butter and left in their shells. I really like this shot...

Escargots and Champagne with Melbourne city lights in the background

Also in the photo above, you'll see my travel companion, Marika, dressed in a robe. Nothing suss here folks, we weren't up to nuthin I swear! In fact, she was just about to slip into something more comfortable:

Bride of Frankenstein, filled up on our snail-champers cocktail and ready to spook people on Friday 13th!


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